2 definitions by drotic

1. A single testicle, akin to a uniball. The result is reminiscent of the children's game: A single ball tied to a pole.

2. The term can also be used to describe someone with this condition.

To cause someone to lose one of two testicles.

1. Since Josh has a tetherball, his sperm count isn't as high as the average man's. But his biking has really improved.

2. "Yo Tetherball, you probably shouldn't go to the spermbank with us: You need to hold onto what you've got.... Plus, no one wants a baby with one nugget."


"Oh damn, I think that girl just tetherballed me with that kick!"
by drotic October 7, 2009
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Noun: 1. A facility where men can donate their ejaculate. The ejaculate is then used for artificial insemination by women whose husbands are sterile.

2. A very promiscuous girl.
1. "I love spermbanks! They actually pay you to jerk off! And you might get a kid out of it!"

2. "Dude, make sure you wear a rubber with that chick - she's a total spermbank. I hear she's in the triple digits."
by drotic October 7, 2009
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