1 definition by dracularua

A pick me girl is a girl who typically hangs out with guys purely because she craves validation from them (often due to daddy issues) she will purposely change her behaviour when around a group of boys and most likely point out your insecurities or secrets you told her personally and make fun of you in-front of them. They will brag about how they are “natural” and how they do things “girls wouldn’t normally do” like claim to skate or play sports. (they most likely suck) they also continuously speak aloud about how “hanging out with guys is easier because its less drama” when in actual fact girls don’t claim her because of how fucking annoying she is and she has lost all of her friends due to the pick me girl exposing them in-front of stupid ass boys. You probably know one in real life. Drop them immediately if they do. This also come from internalised misogyny. Some appear on tik tik, disagreeing with feminist and bashing other women just for them to get some buzz from boys telling her in the comments “we found a good on boys” “woah a funny woman for once” either way stay away from these girls they’re fucking annoying and will literally add to each and every insecurity you have keep your head up queen.
*being nice to your face* *group of boys who probably don't even like her that much come over”

“hiiii guyysss! omg no yeah we were just talking about how *insert name* needs to fix her makeup! yeah like I wouldn’t know because I dont wear ANY makeup like i’m so natural and I’m too busy gaming to wear makeup ahahah!”

Josh : “*under breath* I bet shes not even that good”

Pick me Girl: *touches arm*
“omg josshhh stoppp ahahah stopp no literally like I love minecraft yeah like I found diamonds yesterday like omg like yeah are you proud? *fake laugh* ahaha yeah”

Pick me girl to ‘friend’: I swear like you wear loads of makeup right? omg YEAH its to cover up your ACNE right? yeah my skin is so clear because i clearly dont wear makeup so I DONT have that problem but like yeah you kinda need makeup...i can still kind of see it... *looks to boys for approval”
by dracularua August 11, 2020
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