4 definitions by dr4605

Do you know that moment when the internet is slow down because of multiple connections or someone is downloading huge files? I had a classmate that always was downloading some files and because of it, our Wi-Fi speed was very slow.
My internet is so slow!!! Calancea please stop downloading.
This network has a Calancea Effect!!!
by dr4605 June 6, 2017
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When the internet connection is too slow, it because there is a guy on the same network who is downloading 3 GB file/movie/package.
Your friend: Damn, the internet is so slow, I can't even open Youtube.
You: Bro, it's Calancea's effect, let's find and beat this guy.
by dr4605 March 26, 2018
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A person that studies/studied Filiera Anglofonă "Computer Science" or Software Engineering at the Technical University of Moldova. And is a member of the FAF Community.
Awaiting to meet new FAFers at FAF Party this year!
by dr4605 September 8, 2020
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A person who participated at more than 5 hackathons and considers them as a hobby.
I participated at 25 hackathons, I am true hackathoner!
by dr4605 December 8, 2018
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