1 definition by dontGETit

most hated city in canada, even though it keep this country afloat. best jobs, most money, hottest girls.. must be why were so hated, everyones jealous. while were raking in the dough, buying new cars and houses, the rest of the country is either getting layed off from car factorys or cod fishing or complaining about why were so rich, just shutup and take ur ei cheques and go back to your pathetic existances. now if only the fagget easterners go back to ur fishing towns(new brunswik), wanna be hollywood fake ass gangsters go back to your made up ghettos(ontario) or worst of all fucking fagget ass frog frenchman fudgepackers go back to eating pouteen or whatever you do, when will you finally seperate so we finally dont have listen to ur stupid pussy ass threats. i have an idea, how about ALBERTA seperates, we'll take our money, oil and everything else the rest of the country mooches off of us and the rest of canada can go fuck themselves. take that bitch
why is the traffic so bad in calgary?
they let french people drive here
by dontGETit May 27, 2009
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