15 definitions by dominoguy11

When you poop yourself and you can feel it starts to drip while you stand up and it runs down your leg and and when you walk more shit comes out and it looks like minced meat
Person 1: Fuck, I had a Shatterbrown right now
Everyone: *runs*
by dominoguy11 September 2, 2019
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A short, fat emo kid with brown hair and glasses that watches anime and plays League Of Legends
Person 1: Have you seen Kristian?
Person 2: Yeah, he always munches on crackers while watching anime
by dominoguy11 October 2, 2019
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When an artist/band goes from its original genre to a more radio-friendly pop genre
Person 1: Remeber when Genesis?
Person 2: Yeah, I liked them better before their Radio turn-to
by dominoguy11 September 2, 2019
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Not being able to leave your house because there is so much snow

Also a song by the progressive rock band Genesis
Person: Are you coming?
Person 2: No, I'm snowbound at the moment
by dominoguy11 September 2, 2019
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An 80's album made by the British pop star Phil Collins
Person A: Hello! I Must Be Going!
Person B: Phil Collins?
Person A: Phil Collins...
by dominoguy11 November 18, 2019
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When you've lost all hope and you're decaying
Waiting For The Worms to come!
by dominoguy11 December 3, 2020
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