2 definitions by dolphinmuggg

The best person you will ever meet. She's great and honest, and you'll live her went you meet her. She's gorgeous and if you meet her, don't let her go. She may procastinate, but she'll get the job done. Rumours are spread about her, but the bad ones are never true. Never break her trust.
by dolphinmuggg December 27, 2018
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Your weird friend who will always answer your late night calls and make you laugh even on your worst nights. You will always end up insulting her but she'll laugh it off and make it a joke. She's great at making others laugh. Never lie about something serious to her. She'll trust you and when she finds out you're lying, she'll breakdown inside. She might be dying on the inside, and only one person will know. Don't let her down, she'll be the one that you break but comes up stronger than ever. Karma may be a bitch, but trust me, karma's her best friend.
Girl #1 "Daphne seems so happy!"
Girl #2 " Are you sure? Her smiles a little tight"
by dolphinmuggg December 27, 2018
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