1 definition by doetheol'Buck

A person that sells hard earned material possessions at a small fraction of what they cost in exchange for drugs. This person gets a job where they earn money then save up to buy quality items at fair makers value prices. Then because they want drugs will sell these items fror hardly nothing.

It's very common for a cluckster to steal someone else's things that were hard earned in the same way. So that makes this way much worse because this person has gone through the long process of buy nice things just to have the cluckster steal them for to get drugs selling said stolen items for peanuts.

Cluckster : a person who "clucks" nice things to the drug dealer that pays close to nothing for them.
- That guy "clucked" his stuff just to get high. How disgraceful is that?What a cluckster!

My roommate Chris stole all my parents gold jewelry and clucked it off for crack. Thousands of dollars worth just to get some cocaine worth almost nothing. I'm gonna strangle him!
by doetheol'Buck February 18, 2022
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