1 definition by dixon_cox

European Union.
An immoral, corrupt and socially corrosive construct. Its origins lie in a deep and bitter mistrust of accountable democracy. Its aim is the destruction of the nation state. The terrible price the world is already paying for this project can be seen in the decimation of fish stocks due to the lunacy of the common fisheries policy, the ruination of developing world economies by EU trade tarifs, and the insanity of the common agricultural policy. "The Project" now exists as an answer to a question that is no longer being asked. Instead it continues, merely to provide a sinecure for every third rate politico and careerist bureaucrat who fancies an easy life with high earnings, a big fat pension and no chance of ever being held accountable for their actions.

EU: see also underperforming, unaccountable, unelected, unwanted and unsustainable.
by dixon_cox May 8, 2006
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