2 definitions by dixie._.normus

a small lump/blob of paint found in a tin of paint. very annoying. a hinderance when one is painting walls.
i had to get that globule off my wall with my hands and then repaint the whole area!!
by dixie._.normus April 4, 2020
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The use of the music of band My Chemical Romance as motivation. They can be used as motivation for literally anything, from something as simple as working, to something completely mental/ seemingly impossible.

This word is pronounced like: 'm-crow-tivation'.
Person 1: We got given so much work this week! How on earth did you finish it all??
Person 2: I just used my Mcrotivation, you should try it!
Person 1: *revives their emo self*
by dixie._.normus June 12, 2020
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