27 definitions by deez

That crazy, squealling, constantly scrumping bitch next door is a crasian.
by deez February 23, 2004
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Named used to describe a fake ass homo rap artist. Someone from Boston.
Paul: "Say James, did you see the show last night?"
James: "I sure did Paul. What was up with that homo Benzino on stage?"
Paul: "Oh, I know...he tried to grab my balls backstage James!"
James: "The nerve."
by deez March 28, 2003
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Sucktard is a mixture of "He sucks" and "He's a retard." Usually used as an epithet.
"Dude, that guy is a sucktard"
by deez August 11, 2004
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The crazy looking creatures in Halo. I don't know their real name so I refer to them as zorgs.
Holy shit! Look out for that zorg behind the rock.
by deez November 15, 2004
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Getting the receiving end of an unfortunate event or result. Similar to "getting the duke" or any varying phrases.
Fred: "I bought a new computer! It's so kickass!"
Tom: "I bought a new compter from the same place you did. It doesn't work worth a crap and someone took a giant shit inside of the case."

(In this situation, Tom gets the dukeburger.)
by deez June 18, 2006
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