3 definitions by deadrat

Prison for children. Also possible a mentally insane asylum. Some smart kids are found there, most are just constantly struggling to not flunk all their classes.
Person 1: What school did you’re parents send you to?
Person 2: Webber Academy.
Person 1: Do they hate you?
Person 2: No they just never want to see me again.
by deadrat April 9, 2019
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The vomit of someone who has been drinking too much, usually big and in a round shape. (Used in the Netherlands as 'vloerpizza', usually by students.)
Aww man, did you make that floorpizza over there?
by deadrat October 2, 2012
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Somebody who do anything the day, everyday. antisocial but friendly. Deadrat is not an insult.
to be bored to death like a dead rat.
by deadrat February 5, 2007
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