1 definition by ddtp

Common noun variants:

A topowreck, the topowreckage - "After the topowreck, their whole project was in ruins."

Common verb variants:

to topork: "Doctors had to put him on a Paxil regimen, after having been publicly toporked twice this quarter."

Some regional and cultural variants:

South Philly Urban - "Yo, this sheet is TOPE, mutha fokka"

So Cali Surfer - "Dude, like, it just DAWNED on me! Groaty. Uncool, to the max."
Common noun variants:

A topowreck, the topowreckage - "After the toporek, their whole project was in ruins."

Common verb variants:

to toporek: "Doctors had to put him on a Paxil regimen, after having been publicly toporeked twice this quarter."

Some regional and cultural variants:

South Philly Urban - "Yo, this sheet is TOPE, mutha fokka"

So Cali Surfer - "Dude, like, it just toporeked on me! Groaty. Uncool, to the max."
by ddtp November 21, 2013
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