25 definitions by david hawaii

Alternate spelling of cellfiddler

Used to describe a breed of people that, at a party, upon realizing that they don't know anyone, recess into a corner or otherwise inconspicuous area and begin fiddling with their cell phone.
Man, i don't know anyone here, guess I'm a cellphiddler tonight :)

Everyone loves cellphiddlers!
by david hawaii May 26, 2007
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Diarrhea with a high acid content that causes severe burning sensations on and in the rectal sphincter. Can result in bleeding, chaffing, and the inability to walk properly.

Diarrhacid can also result in extraordinary pain upon sitting after business has been done.
Sounds made while trying to sit in a chair after a brutal session of diarrhacid

by david hawaii April 25, 2007
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A vent located somewhere in Hong Kong, China that was originally "Smoke Vent", but the letter "S" fell off
by david hawaii April 25, 2007
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American chat english for "This Is So Not Fair".
Usually used when parents take away cell phones due to severly high phone bills.
(Yeah this is from the commercial)
Mom: Well I'm taking away your cell phone
Girl: TISNF!!!
Mom: I'll tell you...what's...SNF...
by david hawaii May 8, 2007
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To become stoned by breathing in the exhaled fumes of a pot smoker.
Dude! I'm gonna make you second hand stoned!!!!
by david hawaii May 30, 2007
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n. A quarrel occurring between two or more mokes. A potentially dangerous situation one should seek to avoid at all costs.
Holy crap is a moke fight!
by david hawaii May 12, 2007
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Alternate spelling of cellphiddlers

Used to describe a breed of people that, at a party, upon realizing that they don't know anyone, recess into a corner or otherwise inconspicuous area and begin fiddling with their cell phone.
- Man, I don't know anyone here, guess I'm a cellfiddler tonight :)

- Everyone loves cellfiddlers!
by david hawaii May 26, 2007
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