2 definitions by dat 🅱️ig ni🅱️🅱️a

A polarized shit hole city where people take pride in anarchism and racism while the rich folk are crazy rich and the middle class lives in cage homes.
Hong Kong protestor: Long live democracy and freedom of speech! Fuck the chinese mainlanders!
Normal human being: So fuck your parents and grandparents?

Hong Kong protestor: *assaults them*
Normal human being: Wait..... freedom of speech????
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21 year old virgins who dwell in the darkness of their moms basement. Are almost always people with anime profile pics and weeaboos (incarnations of the devil).
guy 1: dude you watch anime? what a weeb lmao
guy 2: im not weeaboo. im a otaku
guy 1: *calls the exorcist*
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