10 definitions by dann

Descriptive of a timeframe, either 24 hours in length or longer, in whence
cattleherding types from Hades shall roam the planet, destroying the earth
with their redneck-like ways. (Kinda like when George W. Bush came into office)
Ye, verily-verily I sayeth unto thee, in the 12th hour of the millenium, so shall the cowboys from hell days begin to commence, and the world will greatly
by dann August 12, 2004
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so pudgy to the extent that it could be called repugnant.
you are repugnantly pudgy.
by dann January 17, 2003
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bum boggies - a sudden collection of faece in the hairs surrounding the anus.
Usually forms in hairy men, who don't practise the correct hygene methods after going to the toilet.

The word was created in 2005 by deejane
Mr x had to go to the doctors with chronic bum boggies.

George Bush is a bum boggies.

Paul Burrel tells the news of the world about the royal bum boggies, what else will he do for fame?
by dann February 23, 2005
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