2 definitions by dagens dosnyheter

haters gonna hate and i live on their tears. I live for their hate. When i run in a competition, i don't want supporters i want my fellow runners to have supporters. Just to see their faces when i pass the person they are cheering on. The happiness and the energy i get i can't describe.

being a Theodor means waking up and doing what he wants when he feels like it. He isn't stuck behind some stupid "law and moral" No hes free

in response to a post made about my fellow Theodors
Theodor haters don't have anything to live for so they focus on others, luckily i usurp on their energy.
by dagens dosnyheter October 3, 2022
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Means weird in swedish

Someone can be skum. Or something is skumt.
Wow these candy's taste's so skumt

- godisarna smakar så skumt
by dagens dosnyheter January 8, 2023
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