3 definitions by dafukyouwantmetodo

Turning Point USA is Charlie Kirk's far-right propaganda organization, theoretically aimed at college students, but actually aimed at senile boomers. They're making cringe ass far-right memes and funded primarily by infamous fossil fuel billionaire Charles Koch, and formerly by David Koch before he died and went to hell.
Random dude:"Hey! Have you ever heard of Turning Point USA?"
Every sane person:"You mean that far-right organisation that makes cringiest memes on the internet? Yeah, I've already heard of them".
by dafukyouwantmetodo October 4, 2020
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A group of 15 year olds can ruin everything. From subreddits to specific TV shows such as "Phineas and Ferb" and "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure" . They post unfunny "Kono Dio Da!" memes and and think that playing "Giorno Theme X Megalovania" on public transit is peak of comedy. They are toxic, they're annoying, and they're pure garbage. If their leader says that he watches a TV show they will ruin that TV show. If their leader will play a specific game like Minecraft, they will ruin it too! r/PewDiePiesubmissions users AKA PewDiePie fans are the WORST that can happen to any Fandom.
1: God damnit! PewDiePie said that he never watched Avatar! Now unfunny 15 years olds at r/pewdiepiesubmissions will ruin in with God awful memes and """Hilarious""" references!
2: For fuck's sake...
by dafukyouwantmetodo August 14, 2020
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PragerU is Dennis Prager's far-right propaganda organization aimed at young children and known for buying youtube ads. It is funded primarily by *Dan and Farris Wilks*, two fundamentalist christian fossil fuel billionaires.
Random dude:"GLOBAL WARMING IS A HOAX!!!!"
Literally everyone:"Where did you heard that from? Almost every scientist confirms that global warming is real."
Random dude:"From PragerU"
Random dude:
by dafukyouwantmetodo October 4, 2020
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