2 definitions by daddys_paycheck223

Action Verb : After using an electronic nicotine deliverance device, such as a Juul, Novo, etc. the buzz or head-rush you may receive, is what’s known as a domer

Noun : An electronic nicotine deliverance device, mostly used so adults or snitches don’t understand the true intent behind what the person in question is asking for.
Action Verb : Brooooo, you gotta Juul? I’m fiending for a domer.

Noun : Can I see your domer for a bit? Mines dry. I’ll just take it to the bathroom and back, I won’t let anyone rip it.
by daddys_paycheck223 July 18, 2019
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The guy that always just hangs around the group but isn't really a friend. He's considered a "loser" amongst the group. His main goal in life is to get the most attention that he possibly can, and because of this, usually an impulsive liar. He does a lot of dumb things to try to be popular but it never seems to work because he usually ends up getting in trouble. He enjoys a lot of quirky or strange things that he will talk about non-stop whether or not anyone is listening at all. Nobody wants to tell Ryan that he's as annoying as he is, but at the same time, he's always clowned on. Ryan is low-key always super sad but nobody really cares because of the strange distance between him and his "friends". Ryan is the person that everyone does stuff for out of pity because they don't want to hut his too much, but it's those nice things that make him want to keep on coming back.
Friend #1: "Why the fuck is Ryan here?"

Friend #2: "He kind of just invited himself, but nobody's told him to leave yet."

*Ryan walks up with his hat on upside-down*
Ryan: "My grandpa accidentally gave me weed butter, I got so high off of it around my parents"
by daddys_paycheck223 October 19, 2019
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