1 definition by daFCUKisWRONGwithU

One who likes to drink in large amounts. Drinking is in control and not to be confused with the term "Alcoholic".
Any Liquor/Brew/Wine is preferred.
Sarcasm and humor found in dysfunctionality is common.
Careful, humor in dysfunctionality quickly turns to disgust when the U.S. State of New Jersey is mentioned. Although people and items that are no longer in New Jersey does not bring discomfort i.e. Chelsea Handler, Bruce Springstien.
What's up? I'm socoloski. And yes, I will kick your a** in beer pong.
Look at that intoxicated socoloski dancing all over the couch thinking they are Tina Turner!!!
by daFCUKisWRONGwithU August 3, 2010
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