10 definitions by d_art

Imprisoned, particularly inside a jail cell (usually the type with vertical metal bars that keep inmates from escaping).
That criminal should be behind bars!
by d_art July 6, 2005
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n. 1) see Rimshot. 2) The sound made from a Rimshot. 3) A sarcastic remark in place of feigned laughter.
Person 1: Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the other side! Get it? Get it?
Person 2: Badum-ching!
by d_art February 5, 2006
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n. A long-winded discussion among group of three or more people often due to indecision of where the party wants to go next (often pertaining to eating). This often takes place in a parking lot.
I was just going to say hi to Joe for a moment, but it winded up becoming a parking lot conversation.

Manny: What took you guys so long?
Harry: I was stuck in a parking lot conversation.

by d_art December 11, 2008
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