2 definitions by conferencewifeofmany

Sore buttocks and slight throbbing of head from staring at everyone in their pajamas while participating in meeting after meeting in your dining room due to social distancing due to COVID-19.
Russell and I shared virtually shared a glass of the bubbly to make it through our Zoom Fatigue today!
by conferencewifeofmany March 26, 2020
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A female travel companion. This is the female you generally room with and spend all your time with at conferences and conventions. Sometimes this is a totally platonic partner; other times this partner satisfies a sexual or emotional need. It's especially fun to pretend that your otherwise platonic friend is in fact your sexual partner as you gallivant around the tourist attractions of the city. It is generally understood that this special connection is most strong while traveling. Both males and females can have a conference wife.
With a glitter in her eye, my conference wife proposed to me at the top of The Eye in Orlando.
by conferencewifeofmany December 19, 2016
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