2 definitions by completehouse

A street where prostitutes ply their trade, derived from its original useage as a common Medieval street name.

In the Middle Ages it was not uncommon for an English street name to reflect it's function or economic activity, for example Butchers Lane or Silver Street.

Gropecunt Lane was often located in the busiest part of Medieval Cities. During the 15th and 16th centuries these streets had their names changed as prostitution became outlawed and the word "cunt" came to be viewed as an offensive expletive.

The last recorded use of Gropecunt Lane as a street name was in 1588 in Newcastle.
"Hey man..my balls are itching!"
"I told you to stay away from Gropecunt Lane"

"I drank too much last night and ended up having my dick sucked in Gropecunt Lane"
by completehouse May 9, 2010
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An adjective used to describe breasts that have been badly affected by gravity resulting in the nipple position being mid chest or lower..usually found on the bodies of mature women or women who have had sveral children.
"..man..I saw petes Mother walk out of the bath room naked yesterday.. her tits are real FLOPPERS.."

".I got very drunk last night and ended up sleeping with Petes Mother..her tits are real floppers".
by completehouse April 22, 2010
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