2 definitions by compañero

Penguin is a nickname you can have. It means a person who can easily make you become a better version of yourself, more nicer, more stronger and much more beautiful. It is a person who makes you realize lots of positive things like realizing that you were loved by many people. Penguin is a person who is a soulmate, but also it can be twin flame too.
You’re my penguin and ill make you forever happy w/ my love
by compañero July 30, 2018
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Its mushed together with penguin and cat. Catguin is usually a guy who is weird, dumb, and pervert. He looks adorable on the outside but on the inside hes masculine, strong hearted, and has a clear heart. Hes straightforward, so he may hurt others but what makes it special is that inside those words theres still warmness that can melt down some of people's dirtyness or darkness inside. His words can fill up a hole with light that was dugged through its heart.
Your my catguin☺︎
by compañero August 8, 2017
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