2 definitions by colleg_boi

Once logged in, you are bound to discover the app's fairly non-impressive, tabbed interface user interface. It shortly becomes evident that the interface is the element that has been sacrificed for increased speed, as well as for obtaining a lightweight package.
As mentioned before, chatterino is no contender for the "best-looking app award," however, it's fast, convenient, and highly configurable which is exactly why you should give it a try.
by colleg_boi December 2, 2020
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Once logged in, you are bound to discover the app's fairly non-impressive, tabbed interface user interface. It shortly becomes evident that the interface is the element that has been sacrificed for increased speed, as well as for obtaining a lightweight package.
As mentioned before, chatterino is no contender for the "best-looking app award," however, it's fast, convenient, and highly configurable which is exactly why you should give it a try.
by colleg_boi December 2, 2020
Get the chatterino mug.