2 definitions by codenine75a1

Ster.can.fo.da stercan fōda (noun) from "stercan" (old english) and "foda" (old english) 1. Angelic food or starchy food. 2. Food that is made up of sugars plant lipids and proteins Examples: Bakery donuts, cakes used for celebrations, insects (if it is in your palette), fruit, legumes, breads, pastas,vegetables, mushrooms, and sea animals that use chitin such as shrimp or crab.
Halloween candy is a part of the stercanfoda class of foods.
by codenine75a1 August 4, 2013
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dae.mon.fo.da daimōn fōda (noun) from "daemon" 1. Demonic food or fatty foods. 2. Foods that contain animal lipids and tissues. Examples: Fish, eggs, soup, and steak.
That bowl of soup is from the daemonfoda class of foods.
by codenine75a1 August 4, 2013
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