2 definitions by clekken

Alumni of the Honors PE course. After they have completed Honors PE, they are likely to continue their training at gyms such as Planet Fitness. It is their life’s goal to go to gym everyday. If seen by the normal eye they may be described as “odd” or “weird”, but to the eyes of the gods, they have the embodiment of Sisyphus. Some alumni train for different reasons. Some train for inter-galactic olympics, some just for fun, and others to stop catastrophic events
“Why is that guy using a bowling ball as a kickball?”

Dunno, must be an Honors PE graduate”
by clekken November 19, 2022
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A course in High school included in the Honors Program. This course features a variety of specialized and advanced versions of many beloved sports and physical activities around the world. At first, these classes may seem foolish from their curriculum, but they are made to train and harden the physically advanced to prepare for the “Event”. Some units may also teach how to achieve un-worldly abilities including, (but not limited to) connecting your soul with the second sun, harvesting the power of the moon, being able to make a subway sandwich correctly without fail for a mom of 4, and learning the abilities of the toon force. There is also a section of Honors PE which is dubbed as “Hell Week” and it is required in order to pass. The week involves vigorous, inhumane, ungodly and immoral acts against humanity (example: eating the $1 10 piece chicken nugget from Burger King). Every year, the week and it’s activities are randomized without notice to prevent cheating. After completion, you will be awarded the medal of honor, and certificate. Now you have the bragging rights to be named a Honors PE Graduate.
“Your resume needs to claim that you have at least 2 years of Honors PE to be accepted into OSU.”
by clekken November 17, 2022
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