13 definitions by clare

gee gee slang tearm for horses
im off to c the gee gees
i put a bet on the gee gees today
by clare August 7, 2004
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1. a cheap man's ipod

2. every teenybopper's fantasy

3. what everyone recieved for christmas
Omg, suzie, did you see libby's pink ipod mini! it's totally BITCHIN'!
by clare December 30, 2005
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Bass guitarist in Finnish band The Rasmus. Has a penchant for Granddad jumpers, short trousers, sandals and Sahaja Yoga. A loveable guy.

To get Eeroed is when a nice person gets hit by carelessly thrown objects in the eye at a festival.
"ohmygod it's Eero doing Yoga in the Park!"

"Owww I just got Eeroed!"
"Damn someone just Eeroed Gemma!"
by clare September 5, 2004
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mother fuckin son of a bitch s.o.b. sob
dude, zach is a total mfsob.
by clare March 30, 2005
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see "spide" - annoying people who have a 'uniform' and hang around street corners!
i hate those wee belfasties!
by clare April 13, 2005
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Created as a search term for search engine optimizers to compete on for the coveted position one in the Google.com search results. The result of such placement being a new owner of an ipod and/or flat screen monitor.
I want to win the nigritude ultramarine seochallenge and become the seo champion of the world and therefore get more exposure, clients and make lots more money.
by clare May 9, 2004
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The ugliest boots imaginable, and they are also usually very expensive. Often worn with pleated mini skirts and polo shirts.

Pronounced in a caveman-esque fashion.

Stay away from them. If you come within ten feet, their ugliness will stick to you.
"What are you wearing?"
"No-- stay away--"
by clare April 7, 2005
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