1 definition by chloxbee

Otherwise known as Stay; This person’s extremely nice and talented! They‘re easily likable and approachable, so they can bring basically anybody together! Plus, they’re amazing when it comes to art. A Stacia is hardworking, but sometimes they tend to push themselves until their project is finished. Also, a Stacia is really social online. They’d spend most of their time on Discord or some other site, but wouldn’t as much with real people. Other than that, you can call yourself lucky if you ever meet a Stacia!
Person A: Woah, this entry for the art contest looks great!
Person B: Oh, yeah! Stacia made that.
Person A: Stay’s server is really fun; I just can’t stop logging on to it!
Person B: Obviously, it’s because she’s so good at organizing stuff like that.
by chloxbee March 30, 2020
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