2 definitions by chewechowmein

an bouquet of red roses with one white one in the middle. give one of these to a Zoë and she's yours.
"I got a zoë for my girlfriend Zoë and she LOVED it"
by chewechowmein January 20, 2022
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the girl you see in your dreams

your dreams are catered to you, your brain knows exactly what you're attracted to, therefore when you dream about a girl your brain gives you the one you're attracted to the most, and that's Zoë.

if you ever find Zoë in reality, never let her go.
Me: "dude i saw my Zoë again last night"

That one friend: "the only reason you saw her again is cos you're mention her EVERY FUCKING DAY!"
by chewechowmein January 20, 2022
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