15 definitions by chemguide

Amide but with one more carbonyl group. It is not basic and if the nitrogen is bonded to H, even sodium hydroxide can deprotonate it.
Imides have very low pKa values, and is not basic at all.
by chemguide August 10, 2019
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Everything in the world is harmful if in large amounts, and this includes all-natural fruits, water, etc. , because the dose (amount) makes the poison (lethal).
Ad: "No artificial sweeteners, all-natural! Detox drink"
Me: "The dose makes the poison, do you know that everything can be toxic?"
by chemguide August 12, 2019
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The positive electrode where electrons are moved to.
In a battery, the metal ions in cathode gains electrons while the anode loses.
by chemguide August 6, 2019
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An organic functional group with a carbonyl in the middle and other groups on the 2 other sides (usually represented as R and R')
The most common ketone is acetone, which is used in fingernail polishes.
by chemguide August 6, 2019
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A class of organic compound with the formula of R CHO, with the R being an organic functional group.
The most common aldehyde is formaldehyde, but the more complex ones, such as benzaldehyde, is found in almond oil.
by chemguide August 10, 2019
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The fear of chemistry/ chemicals. The actual truth is that chemicals are everywhere, including water. Unfortunately, people make 'chemical-free' stuffs (which is wrong). This problem, therefore, should be fixed.
Just see how strong your chemophobia is.
Do you know that dihydrogen monoxide is now found in every water source? Its gas and solid state can burn people! And it is the main component of acid rain! You want to ban it?
Actually it is water.
by chemguide August 12, 2019
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An hydrocarbon compound that is basically violating being a hydrocarbon. Its pKa value is only 16, making it as acidic as water.
Its structure is a cyclopentane ring with 2 double bonds.
The reason for cyclopentadiene to be such acidic is because of its ionic structure. It has an aromatic anionic structure, making it extremely stable.
by chemguide August 12, 2019
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