2 definitions by cheerlleaders69

The ode to the seniors. A challenge of debauchery of seniors in high schools in their spring. A list of challenges are created with point values assigned. The senior class separates into teams, generally of four, and competes for the post points until graduation.
You ready for tots this spring?

Yeah Im gonna do some crazy shit!
by cheerlleaders69 March 27, 2019
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A lazy piece of shit, that also flex's in-proportionally. A bosshawg has such a high ego he must advertise his "boss" life style. It helps if the "bosshawg" resembles a hawg. Generally, he has literally no ass but lots of eczema on his fat hunchbacked body. A boss' hair is always over-combed. A bosshawg creates his own cringy nicknames for his so called "peers" just for them to never catch on.

Ex: Graham Trask
He's been a piece of shit lately, but thinks he's just sick.

Yeah he's acting like a total bosshawg.
by cheerlleaders69 March 27, 2019
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