3 definitions by cc20

A forum which originated out of 4chan and somehow manages to be 10 times worse than 4chan purely because it is dedicated to doxxing, harassing and making fun of people. The people they go after, they refer to them as a 'lolcow'. Originally created to laugh at one infamous Chris Chan but has grown like a cancerous tumor and has also been responsible for the deaths of some people
"*whoever this person doesn't like* is a lolcow people laugh at on Kiwi farms"
by cc20 February 21, 2019
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Someone (usually female) who frequents techno clubs and raves and dresses in slightly promiscuous clothing suitable for raves. That doesn't mean they're looking to be hit on though and it certainly doesn't make them a slut
"She's a bare raver, proper techno thot"
by cc20 December 12, 2022
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