1 definition by castilllo

Zaya is undoubtedly someone special. He is an odd one with an intense love for cats and an interest in many things people would deem dorky. Which he is one by the way; a dork. He's the type of person to dance in public despite being bad at it and run with a joke until he himself is dying of laughter. Despite being a bit awkward he's sweet. Love scares him, but it doesn't stop him from showing it in his own ways. He'll take care of you even when he can't take care of himself. When he's drunk his true colors come out, but not in a bad way. Zaya intoxicated is a bit of a mess, he speaks intensely about the world and his life and you if you're lucky enough. But he will also grab the closest cat or even go out of his way to find his favorite that way he can have something to cuddle while under the influence. He is the type of man anyone would be lucky to have in their life.
by castilllo December 9, 2020
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