64 definitions by casey

spitting on a female's back after having anal sex to make her believe you have nutted and when the female turns aroung you shoot her in the eye.
Girl: What was that baby? Ewwwww! ouch!
by casey October 7, 2004
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synonym to syke; a word used to say yeah right, you wish, dream on.
Resident Advisor: "Can I smell what's in that Solo cup."
Underage College Student: "yeah sure, GILL!!!"


Guy: "I really think you are hot, wanna go out sometime?"
Fugly Girl: "Really? Yeah!"
Guy: "GILL!!!"
by casey January 11, 2005
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1. a bitch so nasty you should hit her with a spatula.
2. doing something so dumb that it deserves gettin hit with a spatula
1.that bitch that just walked by was one stank ho, she was deffinatly spatulating.
2.agentblue just said the most spatulating comment ever.
by casey January 3, 2005
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A town thats east of Del Mar and west of Poway, a soccer mom's paradice. There is no movie theater, no liquor store, and no major food places, but it does have 2 high schools. It has two mexican resturants right next to eachother in the most common hangout, the Vons shopping center. There is absolutely nothing to do in PQ, and pretty much everone knows everyone.
Hey, your from PQ, do you go to MT. Carmel, or Westview
by casey December 30, 2005
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