6 definitions by cartiervert

Bae means is an acronym that stands for "before anyone else," or a shortened version of baby or babe, another word for sweetie, and, mostly unrelated, poop in Danish
Person 1 (messages): hey bae💗Ily

Person 2 (messages): you too bae💗
by cartiervert June 29, 2016
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Referred to someone as a slut
Jessica is such a tart she dated 5 boys in 1 day!
by cartiervert June 29, 2016
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person 1: i’m thinking about moving to mackillop catholic college (mcc)
person 2: oh i wouldn’t do that if i were you, it’s the worst private school in darwin
by cartiervert March 12, 2021
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an addictive drug derived from coca or prepared synthetically, used as an illegal stimulant and sometimes medicinally as a local anaesthetic
Person 1: want some cocaine?

Person 2: dude, of course duh
by cartiervert June 29, 2016
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ily means 'I love you' many people use 'ily' when messaging someone they love
"Dude ily"
by cartiervert June 29, 2016
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To move one's lips in synchronization with a recorded speech or song
Why would she lip sync in front of thousnands of people
by cartiervert June 29, 2016
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