4 definitions by car dealership

Anybody who orders a male prostitute. Can be used for both straight and gay experiences.
Henrick: I heard Tracy bought a lot of meat over the weekend. She's such a Meat Buyer...
Pablo: Don't talk about my girlfriend that way. I heard you were a Meat Buyer yourself!
by car dealership March 5, 2019
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Someone who is gay, but also retarded at the same time.
Bernard: Man, I feel like being a retard right now.
Noah: Dude, but you're already gay... don't be a dunmud.
by car dealership March 5, 2019
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A bergyboss is someone who can attract everyone. Straight men become gay for him. Lesbians become straight for him. No one can deny how sexy he is.
Joas: I'm not gay but I would totally bang that bergyboss over there. Like, if I was a girl, my legs would be spread for him.
Mason: I would call you gay, but I have to agree. He is undeniably sexy.
by car dealership March 5, 2019
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After famous musician Bobby Shmurda got arrested, a movement called "Free Bobby Shmurda" arose, in hopes of getting famous musician Bobby Shmurda out of prison. However, it's real intension was just to be a "funny meme". An ASCII Garfield with the text "Free Bobby Shmurda" started to gain popularity:
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User #1: Are you going to do the Free Bobby Shmurda school walkout?
User #2: No, that meme died a while ago.
by car dealership March 5, 2019
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