1 definition by canthandlemyhandle69

He is the kind of guy who you don't value at present but you look back and think, "Damn! I wish i had listened to what Advaith said back then :( ". He is excellent at giving advice and is a psychic (has a very deep intuition which is very accurate) that people often ignore. A very strong-hearted person who never gives up, Advaith would sometimes be too much for a normal person to handle. It would take a special person to be his best friend, and only a handful of people can tolerate his character. Advaith comes with huge ambitions and since they are born warriors, they will go and get their dreams true no matter what the situation comes down to and fight it out. They are walls in situations, would stand by you even if the world is against you. However, Advaith can be manipulative, and often be moody where in leaving them to themselves would be the best choice present.

Advaith attracts people with his personality and his charm is his confidence. With an edgy humour and a good sense of comic timing, Advaith is known to keep groups alive and conversations going. A very fluid human, fits in with most people and knows how to deal with almost every situation, Advaith can be the worst thing or the best thing happened to you in your life, how you deal with him decides it.

Try getting close with him by sharing more about yourself, and booyah, he ends up as your best one :)
"I wish i had listened to Advaith, things wouldn't have been bad today. "
"If you ever need a solution to a problem, Advaith is your go-to person!"
"I wish i had the grit Advaith has.:
by canthandlemyhandle69 November 22, 2021
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