1 definition by cantfindaname

The best and baddest of all bitches. The word bitch alone implies that you're just annoyed about something or you're a stuck up snob. The super bitch passes all these she's confident and shows it, she's hot and pretty much always gets her way, most hates her because of the power she posses, but she really doesn't care. She runs bitch city and all other lame bitches fall way behind.
This fat whore talks crap about super bitch among her friends and to super bitch's boyfriend! Super bitch sees fat whore at a company function and fat whore pretends not to see super bitch, sooooooo super bitch walks up to fat whore (in a crowd of other haters) and says "saneeta... good evening" and super bitch smiles her drop dead georgeous smile and walks away.. leaving fat whore intimidated and shocked! Did I mention fat whore is also nasty whore who slept with her sister's boyfriend!:O!
by cantfindaname March 28, 2008
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