2 definitions by candyflip

The act or practice of reasoning or decision-making by a group, especially when characterized by uncritical acceptance or conformity to prevailing points of view.

To accept the general opinion of the group to which a individual either belongs too or wishes to belong too. To adopt the unreasoned and unfounded BS that someone spouts off as either Truth or Fact".
Dave said to the group "McDonnalds makes the best burgers". within the next day every other member of daves group had repeted the same opinion as if it was fact and start taking their dates to eat Big Mac's.
by candyflip January 27, 2004
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A individual that forfits their right to choose in favor of inclusion in groupthink and what is viewed as popular or elete group. Allowing the influences of different forms of media and group members to hold great sway in the formation of attitudes, behavoir and opinion.
To accept the group mentaility and opinion as fact without examination.
Not only to be told what to do, but accepting the paradigm of thought as absolute thereby removing the weight of personal responsibility in the making of decisions.
In 2003 American President Bush states that the need to invade Iraq is imperative because it it was a supporter of islamic terrorism and developer of Weapons of Mass Destruction that would threaten the United States.

Although no evidence was given in support of such statements the american sheeple supported the war despite evidence to the contrary.
by candyflip January 27, 2004
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