3 definitions by calicat2210

The FDLS made news for allegedly marrying off 13 and 14 year old girls to older men.
by calicat2210 April 15, 2009
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Friend of a friend. Like an acquaintance but with a little more familiarity, because odds are you've heard of them and they've heard of you and/or you've seen each other around the same crowds. Not quite a bff or a homeslice yet, because you haven't interacted with them enough to get those bonds yet.
Text1: So who's throwing the party?
Text2: A fof, she seems legit at the parties I've seen her at.
by calicat2210 January 11, 2012
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Simply put, it's an acronym for Thank The Baby Jesus It's Friday.
It's been a hell of a week, but TTBJIF already!
by calicat2210 July 11, 2008
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