2 definitions by c_iiqnx

A fuckboi who thinks that can get all the girls but looks like a mole rat. He has the most disgusting ass looking hair ever. He dates a girl but still likes another girl. Wow what a fuckboi
Josh:Hey bitch.
Jessica:Eww get ur mole lookin ass out of here.
Josh: hahah I just want to go out with u even tho u rejected me like 3 times hahaha.
Jessica:Eww go away from me fuckboi
by c_iiqnx March 15, 2018
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A fuckboi who thinks that can get all the girls but looks like a mole rat. He has the most disgusting ass looking hair ever. He dates a girl but still likes another girl. Wow what a fuckboi
Josh:Hey bitch.
Nix:Eww get ur mole lookin ass out of here.
Josh: hahah I just want to go out with u even tho u rejected me like 3 times hahaha.
Nix:Eww go away from me fuckboi
by c_iiqnx March 15, 2018
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