4 definitions by cRiDi

A band that was once very cool and Christian and sexy all at the same time, but is not edging towards mainstream rock and becoming sell-outs.
Relient K used to be a killer awesome band! But then they toured with GC and SP!
by cRiDi May 6, 2005
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A word used to describe democrats, liberals, gays, and hippies.
John Kerry is a CrapFace.
by cRiDi May 6, 2005
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Used when someone is angry at another person or is trying to grab their attention rather quickly. Sometimes, depending on who is saying the word, he or she may or may not hear it.

Also a person who is severely obsessed with flamingos and at times, ducks.
"Hey, Laurie"
*No response*
*No response*
"Yes? What is it?"
by cRiDi May 5, 2005
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An abbreviation for Fingernails On A Chalkboard.

Used to describe a person's general singing or instrumental performance in a negative manner.
OMG her singing was FOAC I am NEVER going to her performance again!
by cRiDi May 5, 2005
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