1 definition by brotherbaoge

At 3:52:48 into TangoTek's Stream on Twitch 9/10/23 , he was explaining about how "brutal" the River of Souls was in Decked Out 2 because it took so many lives and was thinking of the word "brutal" but was saying the word "beautiful" and blurted out "Brutiful".
The river's breautalful, beautiful (chuckles while rubbing nose) it's not beautiful.. The river brutal, because it's the snow (pinches in the air) with a 2 block jump (waves his hands) Oh I can make that and you hit that snow (gesturing a plank with both hands) and there's soulsand under and it slows you down and... Oh~.. Where did the speed go? It's achievable. Yea. Brutiful, it's brutiful.
by brotherbaoge September 10, 2023
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