47 definitions by brian x

An odd neologism created in an Oscar acceptance speech by Michael Moore. Backformation from "fictitious".
"Fictition"... I can't quite figure out what that one means. He obviously meant something slightly different from "fiction", but damn if I know what.
by brian x October 26, 2003
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Marlboro Lights. Apparently all too popular with the lesser grade of woman.
by brian x August 26, 2003
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Cheap, overly strong beer, often found in poor neighborhoods in 40 oz bottles. Can occasionally be good; usually isn't.
And then there was the guy who couldn't tell St. Ives from a Maibock... the sad part is that he had a point...
by brian x July 2, 2003
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Male-hating, PC, whiney left-wing-extremist bitch. Not to be confused with those who want equal rights and respect for women, and all people in general; such people can be found all over the political spectrum (except among the Religious Right and their allies, that is).
by brian x July 1, 2003
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