5 definitions by bradsbadluck

An insulting work meaning an idiot or fool. Also means dirty, watery stale cum that looks like dirty whisky coloured slop. Usually ejected from an old man's wrinkly cock.
Examples: Fuck of your nobscotch your doing my head in now. Ooooh, what's all that stuff that's just come out of your cock, it looks like nobscotch.
by bradsbadluck December 5, 2014
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Shit Spankings is the art of picking up a handful of sloppy, stinking dog shit and smacking someone on the head or arse with it causing a dog shit explosion.
Move out the way or you will get shit spanked all over the place. Watch out here comes the Shit Spanker, he's going to shit spank you all over the place you shit shoveller.
by bradsbadluck September 2, 2018
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A dirty queer faggot who likes to blow peoples back doors off. Someone who wants to blow a whole the size of the moon in your back passage. Someone who violates a persons back passage and draws blood.
Fuck off you dirty little bottom burster I will put my foot up your arse and send you into the 31st century, Keep away from Ade Bennett, he is a known bottom burster. Hi mate, i heard you are a bottom burster, can i bend over and let you violate my sweet cheeks, i wanna see some arse blood and suck the brown soup of your bell end
by bradsbadluck July 7, 2015
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A dirty, horrible bastard who acts like a twat. Also means a low life piece of crap.
Fuck of you dirty little scum chucker, I will boot you up your sorry arse then shit in your face if you dirty little scum chucker.
by bradsbadluck July 7, 2015
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To talk complete nonsense, usually in a repetitive manner, or / and for a prolonged period. To spout verbal diarrhoea, usually to an audience of participating idiots. if the word absolute is used predominantly, then this used to accentuate the synonym 'Rhubarb'. Whilst there is no actual word that has an identical meaning, disregarding the association to the plant of the name. Often two words can be used to inflect the same meaning. Examples of this would be 'talking dog shit', 'talking broken biscuits', 'spouting shit' and talking out your 'arse / or ass pipe'
Mick, can you do us all a favour and stop talking rhubarb.

All that guy has done all night is talk absolute rhubarb, he needs to give it a rest.

I went to a party last night, and it was full of undesirables, there was this one guy that just sat there and talked rhubarb all night.

He must have been on drugs, because he didn't stop talking for over 8 hours and not one part of it made the slightest bit of sense - I've never seen someone talk absolute rhubarb like this guy did. It was like an assault on the ears.
by bradsbadluck July 29, 2022
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