13 definitions by bookworm

1. v; Enunciate(transitive), Enunciated(past tense), Enunciating (present-tense).

a. To Pronounce, Articulate. Applies to speech.
eg. You need to Enunciate your words more carefully so that we can understand what you are trying to say.
by bookworm February 5, 2005
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A human who is a waste of all the useful component parts, waste of air and energy. They have entered existance innocently, but through developing into adulthood have turned out to be dud.
Your ex Dave is a flesh bag....
by bookworm July 15, 2020
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1.V; To properly pronounce words, and form Sentances; Usually applied to speech, but may be used for typed communication.
Joe conjugated his words so poorly, that i had to ask him to repeat what he said.
by bookworm February 5, 2005
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Slang for Cocaine, popular in California's Bay Area.

I'm so strung out from all the yay last night
by bookworm February 3, 2005
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Such men are generally the most extreme example of physical attraction in a male and of masculine ideals. But ideals consumed by notions of sexual potency and allure. Such men believe that women have a kind of sexual fascination for them making them emotionally and physically irresistible. Mannerisms are forced upon women and aimed at attempting to get them to engage in a sexual act.

They also have a very negative view of other men who are not as masculine, physically attractive and sexually potent and are not against pushing them away.

Such men are fortunately rare and exist in few areas of the world though there are men who believe they are of that type who are not Latin in origin where advances generally fail. By and large males believe in engaging in conversation , though chivalry is lacking.
by bookworm November 20, 2012
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