1 definition by bkmjtz

A shit phone company who makes you pay $75 for insurance and then when your phone breaks because Verizon does not manufacture their phones to last, you are chagred another $50 and then get sent a phone in which the keys do not work. You then must pay another $10 to have them transfer your information to your new shit phone but all the games and internet service you paid for do not go through, and have to pay $5 per game and even more on the internet. Photos also do not get transferred over even though you paid more than Verizon's employees get in a year.

This company mostly highers rude fat employees, who make you feel like you are the most retarded person in the world for asking a question.

This company is on the list of top companies to be burned down.
Verizon Wireless needs to go suck a fat one.
by bkmjtz January 16, 2010
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