24 definitions by bishop

riding clean refers to riding on some clean ass twinkies or riding with style, not "riding clean without drugs".
Project pat was lookin' clean, therefor riding clean in his car, contrary to already stated WRONG definitions.

you have to ride clean to pick up dem hos.
by bishop June 23, 2006
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To dance with not a lot of emotion...
/me donces roflrofl
by bishop May 28, 2003
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Basically, a penis, spelled in a computer lingo. Orgins of word from www.dayofdefeatmod.com and uses some context from the '1337' language.
Bishop: suck my panis
HS The Whap: yes plz
by bishop February 6, 2003
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I like to rape 14-16 year olds.
by bishop February 6, 2003
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Usually screamed aloud in the ingame chat or in ones home.
omgz0rz, he is hacking!
by bishop February 6, 2003
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the little crysty pices in ones ass
the dirt farmer harvested much dirt from his ass today
by bishop November 3, 2003
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a name for any rich white guy that is also a little fag.
"your clothes dont match man, you little Ragamuffin!"
"shut the fuck up sir fagmire the third, you little bitch!"
by bishop March 18, 2004
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