3 definitions by binnoladen

the act of utilizing one's semen, to fill an external area on another's body
can also be used as plural ie. semented
destiny said she couldn't sleep due to the ruckus next door so I decided to sement her ear canal.
I semented her belly button to hide her outtie
by binnoladen March 30, 2023
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when you're fisting a chick with breadcrumbs and spices and you lose your watch. then you turkey slap them in the face as your thanksgiving.
I lost my adventure time watch whilst I was knuckles deep in cousin Terry. Then left her with a souvenir of Apollo 11 space programs shuttle. bigcums - thanksgiving turkey
by binnoladen March 12, 2023
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when you're fisting a chick with breadcrumbs and spices and you lose your watch. Then you turkey slap them in the face as your thanksgiving.
I lost my adventure time watch whilst I was performing thanksgiving turkey knuckles deep in cousin Terry. Then left her with an imprint of a girthy Frankfurt.
by binnoladen March 12, 2023
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