87 definitions by bigtones

The actor who is now on trial for murdering his wife.
by bigtones January 18, 2005
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The new Grand Theft Auto game, which comprises 3 metropolises (each larger than Vice City), and miles of country in between. The game's central character is Carl 'CJ' Johnson, who can be morphed into anything: a chiseled gangsta, a skinny poser, or a fat slob who gets no respect.
by bigtones January 2, 2005
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The only place where it's normal to talk like this:

"Let me paak the caah, ok?"
"That movie was fookin gaa-bage!"
"Who faated?"
"I'm gooin daan to the bessment."
Welcome to Baaston, where we learn to talk without moving our lips!
by bigtones July 25, 2005
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The anti-hero is the hero who does the right thing, albeit with tactics that aren't always what you would call ethical. They are more interested with getting the job done than doing it as virtuously as possible, therefore showing how morally ambiguous they are. The anti-hero has become more popular with society today because people can identify better with the good-guy who sometimes does the not-so-good things; the hero who does no wrong is outdated and is becoming increasingly irrelevant in this day and age. They are the product of a society in which the line between good and bad is becoming harder to tell.
A few examples of the anti-hero include: James Bond, Wolverine, Han Solo, Clint Eastwood's 'The Man With No Name', Batman, Indiana Jones, Rambo, and Malcolm X, to name a few.
by bigtones June 25, 2007
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The biggest loser to come out of the rap game since Vanilla Ice.
He's so dark he looks like Daffy Duck without the bill.
by bigtones January 9, 2005
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"Welcome to New Jersey. We're from here, what's your excuse?"
by bigtones November 27, 2005
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